Neurovascular Underpinnings of Alzheimer's Dementia | ALZFORUM WEBINAR

This will be on Wednesday, January 08, 2014 at 12:00 PM US EST

Communication between neurons in the human brain and the blood vessels that supply them is a busy two-way street. Arterioles and capillaries that feed the central nervous system respond to neuronal demands for nutrients and oxygen, while brain cells provide trophic support that keeps the blood vessels alive. Hurt one and the other suffers. How does this delicate balance fit with Alzheimer’s disease pathology? Historically, researchers have separated AD from vascular dementia. AD diagnostic criteria that the community followed for more than 20 years excluded anyone with vascular disease from the diagnosis (McKhann et al., 1984), while vascular dementia was considered primarily a disease of the blood vessels. Is it time to give up this dichotomy?

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