A new cellular garbage control pathway with relevance for human neurodegenerative diseases: Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry |

Several human neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease but also ageing, are linked to an
accumulation of abnormal and aggregated proteins in cells. Cellular
“garbage” of this type can be removed from cells by sweeping them to a
cellular recycling station known as the lysosome. Scientists at the Max
Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried, Germany, now discovered
a new family of helper proteins that recognize labeled cellular protein
waste and guide them efficiently to the lysosome for destruction and
subsequent recycling into their reusable compounds. The results of this
study, now published in the journal Cell, are crucial for our
understanding how cells remove cellular waste and will open new avenues
for studies aimed to fight neurodegenerative diseases.

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