It's time for a new approach to Alzheimer's disease

Rutger's Herrup thinks that  plaques are a symptom and not the cause:

As plaques and tangles appear to be repositories for herpes simplex binding proteins and immune related proteins, this would support the idea that they are scar tissue relating to a host/pathogen immune battle Ref

The gamma secretase inhibitor approach has unfortunately not worked and indeed worsened cognition performance in one trial  Press release  A monoclonal beta-amyloid antibody Bapineuzumab,showed no effect in a phase II trial  Salloway et al, 2009 ; and severe amyloid angiopathy has been observed following A beta vaccination  Uro-Coste et al, 2010 The trial with the A-beta vaccine AN-1792 was halted due to the development of aseptic meningoencephalitis  Alzforum discussion 

The amyloid hypothesis has held sway for several years, but has not yielded any fruitful clinical result and a radically new approach is needed. 
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