Kegg pathways traced out by schizophrenia susceptibility genes

Over 600 genes have been implicated in schizophrenia, and GWAS studies have continued to subscribe to the idea of multiple genes of small effect. Kegg pathway analysis of these genes highlights some well known pathways that have already been described , including long term potentiation and oxidative stress refs dopamine pathways refs neuregulin and growth pathways refs and adhesion pathways refs among others, as might be expected in the context of schizophrenia pathology. A large number of immune-related  pathways are covered by the these genes again in agreement with prior data refs. In addition, several pathogen entry pathways are highly represented with toxoplasmosis  refs heading the list. Viral entry pathways are also prominent refs , supporting the idea that genes and pathogens are interdependent refs. Many pathways thus contribute to different endophenotypes and pathological processes in schizophrenia.

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