Press Release - Gut microbiota plays important role in functional bowel disorders - The Gut Microbiota For Health Experts Exchange

Microbiota research opens up promising paths for improving the diagnosis — online press conference at 2nd World Summit “Gut Microbiota For Health” held on 26 February

(24 February 2013) An estimated 50 per cent of patients consulting a gastroenterologist suffer from functional bowel disorders (FBD), such as dyspepsia or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is characteristic for these conditions that underlying physiological mechanisms are hard to be found. “However, recent research shows that the gut microbiota is a likely candidate for filling some of the gaps in the causal chain leading to FBD,” says Professor Fernando Azpiroz, Chairman of the Gut Microbiota & Health Section of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology & Motility (ESNM). This is one of the topics to be presented at the 2nd World Summit “Gut Microbiota For Health” in Madrid, Spain. From today until 26 February 2013, internationally leading experts will be discussing the latest advances in gut microbiota research and its impact on health.

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