Prenatal antiepileptic exposure associates with neonatal DNA methylation differences.

Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are used to treat a variety of neuropsychiatric
illnesses commonly encountered in women during their reproductive years,
including epilepsy and bipolar disorder. Despite their widespread use, the impact
of prenatal exposure on fetal development remains obscure. To evaluate whether
AEDs taken by pregnant mothers influence DNA methylation patterns in their
neonates, DNA was extracted from the umbilical cord blood of 201 neonates whose
mothers were treated for neuropsychiatric illness during pregnancy and
interrogated across 27,578 CpG sites using the Illumina HumanMethylation27
BeadChip. The association of each methylation value with the cumulative duration 
of prenatal AED exposure was examined using a linear mixed model. The average
methylation level across all CpG sites was calculated for each subject, and this 
global methylation measure was evaluated similarly. Neonates with a longer
duration of AED exposure in pregnancy showed a decrease in average global
methylation (p = 0.0045). Further, DNA methylation of CpG sites in 14 genes
significantly decreased with the duration of prenatal AED exposure even after
adjusting for multiple comparisons (FDR < 0.05). For a small subset (n = 19) of
these neonates, a second tissue, placenta, was available, in addition to cord
blood. Methylation of 3 of these 14 CpG sites was also significantly decreased in
placental tissue. These novel data suggest decreased DNA methylation in neonates 
of mothers who took AEDs during pregnancy. The long-term stability and potential 
impact of these changes warrant further attention, and caution may be warranted
before prescribing AEDs to pregnant women.
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